Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Clematis - Dreaminess; lack of interest in the present

So another bottle to come out of my box unopened.  I have had my box since December just after i did my level one bach course.  I am sure i have come across Clematis people in that time - probably actors!

Anyway the 38 Flower Remedies book says the follow:

Clematis is for people who live in a world of their own with no interest in the real world.  They find it hard to live in the present.

They are not really happy and yearn for better times; however they take no active steps to bring these about.  They have a poor memory, with little head for detail.  They tend to lack energy and appear absent minded.

They like to be alone and will avoid confrontations by withdrawing.  When ill they make no effort to get well.  They may be strongly romantic.  Clematis is appropriate for people who have lost a loved one and long to join them.  Through lack of concentration, they may tend to be accident-prone.

Ah well at least the Clematis person is romantic - thats not such a bad thing is it?!

Clematis is in the 'Live the Day' catergory or 'Not sufficient interest in present circumstance'.

The Twelve healers says

Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life.  Quiet people, not really happy in their present circumstances, living more in the future than in the present; living in hopes of happier times, when their ideals may come true.  In illness some make little or no effort to get well, and in certain cases may even look forward to death, in the hope of better times or may be meeting again some beloved one whom they have lost.

Again similar to the 38 Flower Remedies explanation but the Twelve Healers description seems a bit more desperate I think.

The positive side of a Clematis person is

Someone who has a lively interest in the world around, and enjoyment of live.  Positive Clematis people are open to inspiration and fulfill their creative potential, for instance in art, writing, design, fashion or healing.  Realistic and down to earth they have a sense of purpose and recognise that the future is shaped by the present.  They are well grounded and able to control their thoughts.

Phew - that sounds more like it.  I think i tend to be a Clematis positive person and i think that is a great thing to be.  I will put the Clematis back unopened in the box!


Sunday, 17 June 2012

Chicory - are you possessive and over-protective?

Chicory is for people who are overly possessive and whose care for others is self-centred and manipulative.  These strong-willed people expect other people to conform to their values; they may be critical, interfering and nagging.  They find it hard to give without expecting anything in return.

They dislike being alone and demand constant attention and service as a duty; typical is the possessively domineering parent who keeps adult children under his or her thumb.  Although strong, they are self-pitying and easily offended.  Some Chicory people will feign illness in order to gain attention - for example, the possessive parent who manifests 'heart pains' whenever a daughter tries to leave home.  The are often very talkative, opinionated and argumentative.

All of the above is from the 38 Flower Remedies book.

The Chicory person is not too nice really are they?

Apparently Chicory is also good for children who make constant and unreasonable demands for attention.

Thank god there is a positive side to Chicory!

The positive potential of Chicory is seen in people who are able to care for others unselfishly, offering genuine maternal love.  They give without expecting anything back and allow their loved ones to be themselves and live their own lives.  Feeling fulfilled and self-assured, they no longer need other people's assurance that they are worthy of love.  They are warm, kind, concerned for others and sensitive to other people's needs.

No who wouldn't want to be a Positive Chicory person?!


Saturday, 16 June 2012

Do you find yourself making the same mistakes - Chestnut Bud can help.....

So Chestnut Bud is the first of the Chestnut remedies that i find hard to get my head around.

There are 4 Chestnut related remedies - Red Chestnut, Chestnut Bud, White Chestnut and Sweet Chestnut.

I do find myself getting confused over which remedy does what which is understandable as they are all in different groups - except Chestnut Bud and White Chestnut who are in the 'Live the day' group.  Red Chestnut is in the Fear group and Sweet Chestnut is in the 'Find Joy and Hope' or the old wording of 'despondency and despair'.

The 38 Flower Remedies Book says:

Chestnut Bud is for failure to learn by experience, leading to an inability to make progress in life.  The person keeps repeating the same mistakes, such as falling over again and again for the wrong partner, or continuing to work in an unsuitable job.  Instead of learning from past mistakes, Chestnut Bud people try to forget them and therefore have no basis on which to make future decisions.  They may suffer recurrent ailments but never question why they keep returning and thus fail to deal with the root cause.

The positive potential of Chestnut Bud, Dr Bach wrote:

'This remedy is to help us to take full advantage of daily experiences and to see ourselves and our mistakes as others do.' 

The positive Chestnut Bud personality observes this or her own mistakes with objectivity, and learns from every experience, gaining knowledge and wisdom so as to move forward in life.  Mentally active, he or she also observes and learns from others.

Definitely something Phallic about the Chestnut Bud.....!  I am sure there are a few of us women out there pissing ourselves at our failure to learn from our mistakes - is it because we are penis lead?!  Sorry you all knew eventually i would get down and dirty......!

Perhaps i should leave it there....


Cherry Plum - Fear of losing control

As a control freak its strange that i have never felt the need for this remedy although in saying that i do rely on Rescue Remedy when i am having panic attacks and perhaps all i need is Cherry Plum.  Of course that would mean my panic attack would be based on my fear of losing control and when i think about it is possible that this is one of the reasons i have panic attacks - when i step on a flight when i have no control over who is flying the plane, when i get in a ferry when i have no control over who is driving the boat etc etc.  Its never generally on a one to one travel experience that i have this but generally when i am in public.

The 38 Flower Remedies book says of Cherry Plum:

Cherry Plum is for people who fear losing control of their behaviour.  They may be on the verge of a breakdown.  They may be in deep despair, and afraid of losing their sanity.

At times when Cherry Plum is needed they may feel about to explode, and are afraid of giving way to violent impulses.  Indeed they may be abnormally abusive and hysterical towards friends and family, exploding in sudden outbursts of rage.

Ok I would like to think i am not abusive or hysterical in anyway never mind to my own friends and family, thank goodness.

The positive potential of Cherry Plum is the person who has a calm mind and is able to think and act rationally.

So if you are not of calm mind and you don't always act rationally can you take Cherry plum?  I suppose if you take a remedy and you don't need it, it doesn't really matter as if you don't need the remedy it won't cause an ill effect but if you do need it then it will help you.

Here are the cherry plum flowers making a bach flower remedy.

I found this description of Cherry Plum on www.crystalherbs.com

Those in need of this remedy often feel that they are loosing control of their mind, going insane, or perhaps having a breakdown. They can be snappy, on edge, want to scream or fear that they could be uncharacteristically violent, either to themselves or others. In a very extreme state they may have wide staring eyes and be unable to stop themselves from saying or doing things that are completely out of their normal character. Many women experience variations of these irrational feelings related to their monthly cycle. In all these situations Cherry Plum brings calmness, rationality and peace.

Although it says the same as the Bach references it does go into a bit more detail with the wide staring eyes and speaking of a womans monthly cycle.  The key word used on this website is rationality and calmness.  

The Twelve Healers says of Cherry Plum:

Fear of the mind being over-strained of reason giving way, of doing fearful and dreaded things, not wished and known wrong, yet there comes the thought and impulse to do them


Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Cerato - you know what you want to do but doubt your own judgement....

Funnily enough Cerato is part of my own mixture at the moment.  I never doubt my own judgement but some stuff i am going through just now has me doubting myself a bit.  I think taking the Cerato is certainly helping me.

Cerato is part of the 'Know your own Mind' Group or the 'For those who suffer uncertainty' group if you are reading the Twelve Healers.

The 38 remedies book says:

Seek advice and confirmation from others.

Cerato is for people who do not trust their own judgement in decision-making.  They actually know what they want and need but although they have plenty of inner wisdom and may be highly intuitive, they constantly seek advice and confirmation from others and will misguidedly follow someone else's advice rather than trust themselves.  When ill, they are likely to try a succession of treatments recommended by other people.

The positive potential of Cerato is shown in those who trust their own inner wisdom and follow it.  Quietly self-assured and decisive, they are able to find and follow their true vocation.

I think i am naturally a Cerato although not sure i am quietly self assured and decisive but i usually find my own path and am trying to follow my true vocation.  I think some shite being thrown at me at the moment has made me doubt myself so a bit of Cerato certainly won't go amiss.

The 12 Healers says of Cerato:

Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions.  They constantly seek advice from others, and are often misguided.

Definitely not me normally but may be occasionally!

Now that i see the flowers i think i have these in my wild garden (as in garden i don't manage!!)will  have to have a look!

I have searched google and my herb encylopedia and other books and the only thing i can find on Cerato is the following on www.rhs.org.uk

Ceratostigma willmottianum is a deciduous shrub that provides great interest in early autumn when its slender stems bear pale blue flowers amongst the foliage that gradually turns red as the autumn season develops. This shrub is easy to grow in a sunny, well-drained spot and can be cut hard back in the spring where it can be utilised at the front of beds and borders in small or large gardens. At RHS Garden Hyde Hall thisCeratostigma is grown in bold clumps on Clover Hill, where it contrasts well with autumn-flowering grasses and is effective at hiding the bare bases of their stems. 

The only healing references refer to Dr Bachs remedy and nothing else.  Funny how some of his remedies are link way back with history and others are just a flower that no one except him thought of them as healing.

An interesting one i think but perhaps an underused one in my box because my moto is 'Always Trust Your Judgement' or Gut whichever way you work or feel.


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Centaury - can't easily say 'no' to other people

What's funny about this remedy is it remains un-opened in my remedy box!  I think i have problems saying no to people - although i have been better in the last few years - but i still find i have a problem with actually saying 'NO'!  Of course i mean in my personal life and not my work life as in my work like 'NO' is a common word i have to use with the crew and suppliers!

So the 38 Remedies book says:

Centaury is for people who find it hard to say no.  They let themselves be imposed on and even bullied by others.  They are usually timid quiet and rather passive, with little strength of will.  Anxious to please, they give in to others out of subservience rather than willing co-operation.  Although dissatisfied with this state of affairs, they will deny their own wishes or vocation rather than risk a confrontation.  Anxious to  do the right thing', they are easily influenced by what other people dictate.

Drained by others and out of touch with their own assertiveness, they tend to lack energy and tire easily.

Ok, now I understand why Centaury remains unopened in my remedy box!  I am so not a Centaury person and i don't think ever will be.  Even if i sometimes find it hard to say no to people in my personal life i have never been subservient or will ever deny my own wishes.  Of course I am keen to do the right thing and i can be influenced by other people but only people i respect and only if they are not talking bullshit!

The book describes the positive potential of a Centaury person:

The positive potential of Centaury is shown in people who serve willingly and unobrusively, but without denying their own needs.  They can express and defend their own opinions and mix well in company. Above all, they are in touch with what they want and can now follow their own path with determination and energy, unhampered by the opinions of others.

Ok so i can recognise myself in the positive Centaury which is great!

Its funny that Centaury is in the same category as Agrimony where i can see myself.  Centaury and Agrimony are in the 'Over-Sensitive to influences and ideas' section  or 'Stand Your Ground' in the new terminology so I am not a Centaury but i can be an Agrimony person.

In the Twelve Healers book Centaury is described as follows:

Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others.  They overtax their strength in their endeavors.

Their wish so grows upon them that they become more servants than willing helpers.  Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work and in so doing they may neglect their own particular mission in life.

I am kind and gentle and i can sometimes overtax my strength with my endeavors but it is usually relating to animals and not humans!

Pic of Centaury - isn't it pretty?!

Here is what is says about Centaury on www.anniesremedy.com:
The use of Centaury is an ancient one dating back centuries to the Greeks and Romans. It is a bitter tonic closely related to gentian and is used for much the same purposes. Centaury was once considered a panacea, and freely given for almost any disorder from sick cows to head lice. The herb is still popular today as a bitter digestive tonic for gas, bloating, and heartburn. Research confirms the plant's potential for treating rheumatism and gout1. Centaury contains the alkaloid gentianine which has exhibited strongly anti-inflammatory properties.

Its interesting how this references Gentian which is another flower remedy but in a different group - Gentian is for people who give up when things go wrong.  

I look forward to finding the Centaury person who is obviously missing from my life and opening the remedy to treat them and make them feel better!

I head off to America tomorrow to visit my best friend but i am taking my ipad and plan on doing my blog from there so look forward to hearing about Cerato, Cherry Plum, Chestnut Bud and Chicory and may be more if i get time from there!


Monday, 4 June 2012

Beech - You feel critical of or intolerant towards others

Beech is my most used remedy in my box when i am working with a film crew!

Beech is in the Over-care for Welfare of others or the Live and Let Live Category.

The 38 Flower Remedy book says:

Beech is for people who are constantly making criticisms, intolerant of other people's shortcomings and unable to make allowances.  They find it hard to see the good in others.  They have a strong sense of their own superiority, can be judgmental and arrogant and are easily irritated by other people's mannerisms or habits.  They are convinced that they are always in the right and everyone else in the wrong.

The Twelve Healers is a much softer version of the above - i think i prefer this description:

For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them.  And, although much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within.  So as to be able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are working to their own final perfection.

In my Holistic Herbal book by David Hoffman there is a section on Bach Flower Remedies and there is a description of Beech being 'for those who are arrogant, critical and intolerant of others' - quite a bit harsher in description that what Dr Bach actually wrote in the 12 Healers.

The Goddess Tree website says the following on Medicinal and Magical uses of Beech:

Medicinal properties:  Much of the Beech was used for skin disorders; the tar was used in an old remedy for excema and psoriasis, a poultice made from the leaves helped to heal scabs, water collected from the hollows of ancient beeches was thought to heal many skin complaints, and stuff your mattress with beech leaves to speed up the healing process. Bark preparation was used to help reduce fever. Beechnuts have served as food for humans and animals. In aromatherapy, the essence of beech helps to boost confidence and hope. Flower remedy enhances sympathy and tolerance. 
  Magickal properties:  Carving the words of a wish into a beech stick will make your wish come true (if it is meant to be.) Bury it into the ground to manifest as the wood decays and gets reabsorbed into the Mother Earth.   Use a beech branch as a wand to open channels for communication with spirits and God/dess. It will enable you to quickly draw down divine energy into your circle.  Carry small pieces of beech bark in your pocket for luck and success.  Place a powder of beech wood in your right shoe to lead you toward your fortune.

Did you know that Beech trees produce edible nuts - apparently they used to feed them to humans and animals.  Wonder why we never hear of Beech Nuts these days?  I have loads of Beech trees in my woods so will look out for the Nuts! 

I wonder which part of the Beech tree is used to make the Flower Remedies - I wonder if there is a flower before the nut is produced?  or if its the leaves?  i think i need to get another Dr Bach book on how he actually makes each remedies because the two books i have don't say.

Hope you enjoyed some info on Beech.  I am off out into the woods to look at the Beech trees!


Friday, 1 June 2012

Aspen - You feel anxious but can't say why....

Aspen is another of the remedies i find easy to remember - i don't know why perhaps its because i can relate to the feeling that Aspen people get.  I often feel the churning in my stomach and have this feeling that something is going to happen but i don't know what.  I have always put it down to my half trained intuition - i know something is coming but i am not able to pin point what it is or what it is to do with.  As time is going on with my spiritual work on myself i occasionally can work out what the feeling relates to - usually work but sometimes family and friends so i know then i can take Mimulus rather than Aspen.  The bit i am loving about learning the Bach Flower Remedies as there are so many that are so similar but you really need to look deeper to find out exactly what emotion someone is feeling to make sure you get the correct remedy.  Of course if you give the wrong remedy it doesn't matter as the remedies will do no harm but the wrong remedy can't help with that emotion so of course its important to get it right.

For Aspen to work it really needs to be a fear of something you really don't know what it is - it can't be a fear that something at work is going to go wrong as this would be more Mimulus - or a fear that something was going to happen to your home - again this would be Mimulus or a fear about a family member - this would be Red Chestnut.

It is a bit of a strange one as most people will have a fear of something at some point in their lives and although they may say they cannot pinpoint what it is they will have a rough idea of what it is to do with - work, family, home etc etc.

Does that make sense?

What the Twelve Healers by Dr Bach says about Aspen is as follows:

Vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation, no reason. Yet the patient may be terrified of something terrible going to happen, he knows not what.  These vague unexplainable fears may haunt by night or day.  Sufferers often are afraid to tell their trouble to other.

The 38 Flower Remedies book says:

Aspen is indicated for people who are seized by sudden fears or worries for no specific reason, and who may therefore be generally nervy and anxious.  A typical need for Aspen is for waking in fear from a bad dream, even if the dream itself is forgotten.  Aspen is helpful for young children experiecing nightmares and night terrors.

Aspen fears can occur during day or night; an inexplicable anxiety or sense of foreboding may strike when alone, or suddenly in the company of friends and may be accompanied by trembling.

The positive potential of Aspen is a state of inner peace, security and fearlessness.  Apprehension is replaced by a desire for adventure and new experiences, disregarding difficulties and dangers.

Aspen sounds like a wonder remedy really - inner peace, fearlessness, desire for adventure, disregarding difficulties etc - i am swigging as i type!!

Dr Bach wrote about Aspen 'Once we have come to that realisation, we are beyond pain and suffering, beyond care or worry or fear, beyond everything except the joy of life, the joy of death, and the joy of our immortality....we can walk that path through any danger, through any difficulty, unafraid.'

Statements like these from Dr Bach make me so excited about the journey i am taking - i have been drawn to the Remedies for a reason and i am so excited about the adventure that is about to unfold (think the aspen i just swigged is working!).

I have just discovered that Aspen isn't a flower or a herb, its a tree!  I did know that not all of the remedies came from flowers but how amazing to learn that this one comes from a tree.  The picture above shows the Aspen tree flowers (Catkins) even if they don't look like what we would except a flower to look like.

Here is some info on www.thegoddesstree.com

As the wind passes through the aspen leaves, they whisper a message of peace: listen within yourself and find comfort in the still, small voice of calm; in the music of the spheres; in the resounding "om" of existence; in the voice of Goddess - whatever you chose to call the spirit moving through the silence within us. You can interpret this in whichever way is most personal to you. The aspen teaches the lesson of fearlessness, and gives us the strength to face fear that comes with the unknown. To quote Dr. Bach, aspen helps us to understand that "the power of love stands behind and overcomes all things." Once we know this to be true, "we are beyond pain, suffering, care, worry, and fear, and we become participants of true joy."

How nice....

and here is some other info from the goddess tree website

Medicinal properties
The Doctrine of Signatures (an old system of healing) claimed that illnesses could be cured with plants having the same symptoms as the ailing body. Since the Aspen showed perpetual quaking of its leaves, it was designated to heal ague (shaking palsy.) The bark of Aspen contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Native American women would drink a tea made from the leaves to ease menstrual cramps. This tea also aided in alleviating diarrhea and urinary disorders. A poultice made from the root was used for cuts and bruises.

Magickal properties
Used in anti-theft spells, it was also planted in gardens and fields to protect the property from thieves.
Place an aspen leaf under your tongue if you wish to become eloquent.
Burn incense made of Aspen at Samhain to protect you from unwanted spirits and to help you release old fears as you move forward into the next new year.

Early folk healers in England would tell a palsy patient to pin a lock of her hair to an Aspen tree and repeat:
Aspen tree, Aspen tree
I prithee shiver and shake
Instead of me.
They were to walk home in silence from there (or they risk breaking the spell, and the cure would fail)

I can't find any details of Aspen (Populus Tremula) in my herb books - there are 35 kinds of Populus so this may be why they are not listed specifically but when i put Populus Tremula into Wikipedia it doesn't give any details of healing properties just details of the tree.  And when i type aspen and healing into Google all i get is references to Dr Bach so the above info on medicinal properties is some of the few details i have found which is interesting.

So that is Aspen - it wonderful remedy that i will carry with me for those moments where my stomach starts to churn and i start wonder what is about to happen.....
