In January I had a light bulb moment where I realised that I had to write a book about my spiritual journey and all of the therapies I have been learning and experiencing. The book would be called The Trainee Healer. To get me started I decided to write this blog to get me into writing mode and start logging my experiences so I could refer back when i start the book.
Of course finding time to write a book is never going to be easy but I now know why my best friend is not coming to South America and why I will be doing this trip myself. This is when I will write the book - it makes total sense - a year from when I first had the idea I hope to come back with the main structure of the book written. I am so excited now I know this as I have been beating myself up for not having even started the book yet! I plan to have the chapter headings written up before I go so I can stay focussed on what needs to be written.
On a different note, it was amazing to have Simon Goodfellow at my house teaching the Mechanics of Mediumship - the course went well with 9 people signed up for the 2nd part of it in October which is great news. It was also exactly a year since my lovely friends Bronia and Dennis had visited me and we had gone to the body and soul fair and met Simon which lead us to sign up for this Mechanics of Mediumship and at that course in November I persuaded Simon to do his courses in my Conservatory which wasn't even built then. So it really has been an amazing year and just shows what we can do if we really want to! Next year is Green Lady Glens year where I will push on and make sure the courses scheduled in are successful including me teaching Animal Communication and Animal Healing. Roll on 2013 and the start of the Golden Age!
wooohooo bring it on !!